The Restaurant This WordPress theme is perfect for any restaurant! Wed, 22 Apr 2015 09:34:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cart66 Wed, 27 Feb 2013 19:13:44 +0000 Since version 4.2 of this theme, the cart66 plugin is supported out of the box. This means that you will be able to turn this theme into a true eCommerce website!

Step 1: Installing the plugin

If you want to use the theme with the cart66 ecommerce plugin then you need to install this first. Go to Plugins / Add new / Search and search for “cart66″. There’s a lite and a payed version, but both function the same way. The payed version has a couple more option which can be seen on their website.

Step 2: Setting up some products

Once you’ve installed the cart66 plugin you’ll be able to create your products! Go to Cart66 / Products and add a couple of products. Once they have been created you can link them to your menucard items.

Step 3: Linking products to your menucard items

Go to one of the menucard items you created earlier and take a look on the right of the page. In the top right should now be a dropdown where you can select one of the products you’ve just created in step 2. Once you’ve picked one, the price and cart button will be added to that menucard item. This combination will allow you to combine the power of posts with the power of an ecommerce system.

Have fun!

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Frontpage widgets Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:08:15 +0000 Since the release of V3.0 of The Restaurant, we’ve improved some settings for this theme. One of those things is to setup the frontpage widgets under the slider. In this tutorial we’ll cover the steps!

Step 1: Activating the custom home page

To get the widgetized homepage, go to Appearance / Reading and change the setting to “My latest posts”. Make sure that you haven’t selected a static homepage, or the custom homepage won’t show up.

Step 2: Setup your widgets

You can find this under Appearance / Widgets.

As you can see on the right side of this page, you can find a place to add widgets (a maximum of 3) in the “Frontpage Top”. Use the “Custom Featured Content widget” to get the same result as in this demo on the frontpage.

You can also place more widgets underneath the “Frontpage Top”, then use “Frontpage Bottom” to place more widgets!

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Slider setup Tue, 21 Jun 2011 09:07:52 +0000 Since the release of V3.0 of The Restaurant, we’ve improved some settings for this theme. One of those things is to setup the slider. In this tutorial we’ll cover the steps!

Step 1: Browse to Slides

You can find this under the left side, in the same menu as the posts and pages. Click on “Add New Slide”.


You will get some formfields like displayed in the screenshot above. To add a picture for a slide, press on “Set featured image” on the right to upload a (new) image. The correct dimension for the image in the slider is 1020×400 pixels. Make sure your images are this size, or it might not look the way you want it to.

Step 2: Ordering your slides

You can order the slides by the publish date. This means that if you want to have a specific image/slide as first image to show up, you need to alter the publication date. You can find this on the right side, above the update button.


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New restaurant Mon, 18 Oct 2010 20:26:14 +0000 Pellentesque pellentesque placerat nulla. Nulla dictum ante ac dolor posuere euismod. Sed mattis imperdiet tellus, vitae porttitor turpis tincidunt non.Praesent nec elit et lectus dignissim lobortis. Donec ornare vestibulum leo sit amet pretium. Donec imperdiet justo vel magna tincidunt ullamcorper. Ut sit amet ipsum elit, ac viverra orci. Curabitur lobortis sem facilisis lorem porta laoreet. Cras diam justo, sagittis sed ultricies sed, vestibulum a libero. Nam ut nunc leo. Nulla feugiat cursus justo, non lobortis orci volutpat vel. Praesent sodales lacinia velit, et aliquet ipsum volutpat ut. Aliquam auctor fermentum est, et scelerisque nibh dapibus et. Sed ullamcorper mi ut dolor pharetra vehicula. Phasellus ante mi, faucibus in scelerisque in, egestas quis quam. Vivamus fringilla commodo interdum. Curabitur neque nisi, vestibulum non ultrices eu, mollis vitae lorem. Donec ante nisl, sodales eu posuere interdum, pellentesque ut velit. Nullam in quam neque. Aenean dignissim bibendum neque at porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Create a menucard Mon, 18 Oct 2010 02:21:13 +0000 This tutorial covers how to create a menucard and display it in the navigation menu. You can do this tutorial when you already have created at least one product for the menucard, covered in this tutorial.

Step 1: Create a page

Go to your wordpress admin ( and go to the following page: “Pages”
You will see a screen like this screenshot:

Now, press on the button “Add New” to make a new page. You will see some formfields to make a new page.

Now give the new page a name like “Menucard” and a little description. In the block “Page Attributes” (on the right side) assign “Menu Card” in the dropdownlist from “Template”. At the “Additional Settings” block you can select the categories you want to show in the menucard, for this example, we check “Pasta” (the one we’ve made in the add a product tutorial) If you want to show more categories check them too. To change the order of the categories, simply drag and drop the checkboxes in the order you want.
Now press the blue “Publish” button to save the page. You now have created a menucard with the category pasta, we now have to display it in the navigation menu.

Step 2: Insert in navigation menu

Now go to the following page: Appearance / Menus

In the block “Pages” select “Menucard” and press the button “Add to Menu”. If you’ve done that, “Menucard” will appear on the right side, in the block “mainmenu”. Now press the blue button “Save Menu”. The menu-item “Menucard” is now visible in your navigation menu!
If you want the categories in the menucard to show up in a dropdown menu, simply drag and drop the categories to the menu, just like we did above. Drag them just under the menucard page, so there is a little bit of space on the left. This will tell wordpress that this page or category is a ‘sub-menu’.

That’s it! You now have your very own menu card!

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